A program perfect for our strong NICU grads to help their parents feel reassured and supported with the transition home. Includes a weekly visit for the first month home. Book first week's visit at time of purchase.
Program Highlights
Having your baby in the NICU comes with many challenges, one being that the beginning of your bonding experience with your child is NOT in your home setting. You create a normal routine going to the hospital to visit your baby until it is finally time to take them home, now you must create that new normal. You are used to having nurses and other staff there to assist you with caring for your child and reassuring you that all is well with them. Once you get home, it is all on you to ensure your child’s safety and health, which can be SCARY! This program can bring peace of mind with visits in your own environment with not only a human milk feeding specialist, but an experienced neonatal intensive care nurse.
Having a weekly visit allows your family to comfortably transition to their new normal. Reassurance and support for a whole month after you bring your baby home can bring not only peace of mind, but peace in your home.
The first portion of your baby’s life, nurses and other NICU staff were responsible for caring for them, and now it is all up to you! Weekly visits for the first month home allow you to build your skills and feel confident in them by the time the program is over. We are committed to empowering families, making them feel independent and secure in their new way of life with their baby back home.